
Here are some testimonials from our patients who were so impressed with their care that they took the effort to write their stories for you to read. Thank you!

Kris’s Story

Dr. Mike and Remedy DPC have been the quality and caring medical practice I hoped for and much more.  One powerful example was the day after Thanksgiving when I had difficulty swallowing food including liquids. Dr. Mike took time out from his day off, assessed my situation, consulted with an ENT specialist, & called in some medications. To me, it felt like he saved my life, or at least saved me from having to go to urgent care or the emergency room, which would’ve been accompanied by much discomfort, hassle, and cost.  His diagnosis and prescription helped me feel better immediately. I was back to eating and drinking in a normal fashion the next day.

Thank you, Dr. Mike!

Steve’s Story

My family and I moved here to Arizona 3 years ago after I was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Degeneration, a form of Dementia.

Due to extreme shoulder pain and lower back from arthritis I need injections in both areas. I started with one Nurse Practitioner who office was in Prescott Az which is a two hour drive each way from where I live, who could give lower back injections which are called “trigger point injections” but he did not prescribe pain medication. I needed prescribed medications and the only way to get these medications was to see another Nurse Practitioner whose office was also in Prescott. He did not perform trigger point injections.  In my insurance plan if I needed to see a Specialist, I was charged $40.00 a visit. In order to get around that I had to change my primary care provider every time. I then had to see a third nurse practitioner to manage my A1C. The fragmentation of care and burden of constantly changing my PCP went on for almost two years.   

I decided to check out Dr. Mike Druschel MD. 

As his nurse was checking me in she asked me “what are you here for today?” I introduced myself and told her this was my ‘first appointment and I was here to meet Dr. Druschel. I was hoping he was able to do “cortisone injections.”  She looked at me and said “Yes, he does all kinds of injections.” I asked her “does he do lower back trigger point injections?”
She answered “Yes, he does”. Right away I was excited.

From the first time I met Dr. Druschel I was comfortable with him. I told him that I had Frontotemporal Degeneration, a form of Dementia and right away I asked him if he had experience working with anyone with this disorder? His response to my question immediately put me at ease. IHe said “Yes I have some experience working with patients with dementia, and as your doctor, I am here for you. I will research Frontotemporal Degeneration Dementia so I have a full understanding of it, and if I ever come across something I do not know I will do whatever it takes to find the answers. I was and still am thrilled how he cares about me as a patient and a person and his commitment to me.

It has been my experience that Dr. Mike listens to his patients, takes an active role in figuring out the best possible treatment, and does not treat patients as “just another patient. When seeing Dr. Mike I never felt rushed, instead he takes the time to fully get to know you and your medical needs and gives his patients time to ask questions, answers those questions, and allow them to feel confident in the treatment he is able to provide. 

Once a month I have been seeing Dr. Mike for Prolotherapy injections in my left shoulder and trigger point injections in my lower back.

Prior to being treated by Dr. Mike, 75% of the time I was feeling terrible and did not want to do anything. I was sleeping excessively, depressed, in pain, and miserable. Since seeing Dr. Mike my overall physical health has improved. My blood pressure and pulse are under control, my A1c has improved, and the injections have reduced my chronic pain.

My family and I are extremely thankful that Dr. Mike Druschel MD is practicing medicine here in Arizona and are grateful he is our doctor.

Bob’s Story

“It’s been 8 months and I’m still pain free!!!
Dr. Mike recommended and provided me a PRP injection in my lower back/butt after using ultrasound to “find the right spot”.
It’s been a miracle.
I had been in pain the previous 4 years, couldn’t walk for more than a half mile without stopping and had 20 PT sessions, acupuncture, several spinal injections, bio-feedback and pain relievers all to no avail.

Thank-You Dr. Mike for allowing me to walk again and be pain free!!!”

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